Small Groups


Alliance Men

Alliance Men of WUAC is a group for men of all ages, ranging from high school students through retirees. We are simply a group of men with a heart for Christ who come together for prayer, for Bible study, to glean from each others life experiences, and to share each others burdens, while lifting one another up emotionally and spiritually through a community of fellowship.

We meet twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, in the youth group room, and also have the occasional outing for fun and fellowship, as well as scheduled outreach projects through the year as need arises.

June 25th, we will be starting the DVD Bible Study series, God Is Closer Than You Think, by John Ortberg with conversation facilitated by Steve Tomon.

If you’ve never been to one of our meetings, you’re always welcome to come! Enter through the fellowship hall, pass through to the main hallway, and turn right. We will be in the last room on the right.

Crafters with a Mission

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Crafters with a Mission is taking the month of January off, but will return on the first Tuesday in February (weather permitting).

Led by Eileen Fagan at the church, this group meets every Tuesday at 10:00am.

This is a prayer and study group designed for ladies who love to crochet & knit, cut stamps, eat snacks, and fellowship! Please join us on any given Tuesday at 10:00am. Enter through the fellowship hall, pass through to the main hallway, and make a hard left… or just follow the sound of the voices, you’ll find us.